High-profile visit at SBMC today! We were honored to welcome Conny Helder, former Minister of Health and now Chair of the Supervisory Board of RegMed XB, to our facilities as part of her introductory tour of Regmed XB’s pilot factory. Fortunately, there was still some time for a few questions after the tour.
SBMC is part of the RegMed XB National Pilot factory, a network of five initiatives that together form the national pilot factory for regenerative medicine.
In Leiden, NecstGen and Leiden University Medical Center are working on new cell and gene therapies. Innovation Center for Advanced Therapies (ICAT) in Utrecht is responsible for the development of micro-tissues and in Maastricht ReGEN Biomedical provides macro-tissues that are needed for the development of personalized regenerative therapies.
The pilot factory for regenerative medicine is being built as part of the Nationaal Groeifonds program of the Ministerie van Economische Zaken. SBMC is co-financed by Provincie Noord-Brabant and the European Union.