SBMC’s Mission
Smart Biomaterials Consortium (SBMC) facilitates researchers, entrepreneurs, leading companies and strategic investors working together on the development and clinical production of smart biomaterials that will radically change the future of healthcare.
SBMC enables product development through shared translational platforms that address the key bottlenecks in commercialization of regenerative medicine.
We offer high-quality facilities for industrialization of smart biomaterials and biodegradable implants used for regenerative medicine-based technologies.
Our team is comprised of dedicated scientists, process engineers, operators, quality staff, and other support functions. They bring years of extensive experience in regenerative medicine and smart biomaterial development and manufacturing. Excellent expertise of academic research institutes is involved and committed to support SBMC.
By partnering with leading research institutions and launching new ventures, SBMC accelerates the translation of promising technologies, processes, and therapies into life-changing health outcomes.
RegMed XB
SBMC is part of the RegMed XB National Pilot factory, a network of four initiatives that together form the national pilot plant for regenerative medicine.
In Leiden, NecstGen and LUMC are working on new cell and gene therapies. UMC Utrecht is responsible for the development of micro-tissues and in Maastricht ReGen Biomedical provides macro-tissues that are needed for the development of personalized regenerative therapies. SBMC manages a development facility on the Eindhoven University of Technology campus and a facility for pilot production. Our pilot factory for regenerative medicine is being built as part of the growth fund program RegMed XB.
SBMC participates in the European Hub for Advanced Development in Regenerative Medicine and Biomaterials (EHAB). EHAB’s mission is to identify regional strengths, weaknesses, gaps and needs in a consolidated transregional Advanced Therapies and Biomaterials (AT&B) value chain and to elaborate a joint action plan to strengthen the performance and capacity of the innovation ecosystems of e.g. SME’s innovation stakeholders and their efficient interconnections ant their alignment towards EU-level priorities, jointly tackling challenges at EU, national, regional, and local level together with all the quadruple helix stakeholders.
- Brabant Development Agency (BOM), The Netherlands
- Brightlands Biomedical Ecosystem represented by Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus, The Netherlands
- FlandersBio, Belgium
- BioRegio STERN, Germany
- A4tec-association (A4TEC), Portugal
- BIOCAT, Spain
- Research Institutes of Sweden AB (RISE), Sweden
- MedSilesia, Gornslaski Akcelerator Przedsiebiorczosci Rynkowej sp z o.o. (GAPR), Poland
EHAB is endorsed by several regional and European level organisations, including : the Province of North-Brabant, the Province of Limburg, the RegMed XB consortium, the department of Economy, Science and Innovation of the Flemish Government, the Smart Health Pilot of the Vanguard Initiative, the Health Department from the Generalitat de Catalunya, Leitat, ASEBIO, the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, the Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung (Fraunhofer IPA), and the Marshall Office of the Silesia Voivodeship.

SBMC is co-financed by the National Growth Fund, the Province of Noord-Brabant and the European Union.