SBMC and Vindsubsidies join forces

January 23, 2023

sbmc and vindsubsidies

SBMC has concluded an agreement with Vindsubsidies to support consortium members in finding and applying for the right subsidy options. Part of the agreement are the knowledge sessions about subsidy options that SBMS will organize for its consortium partners in collaboration with Vindsubsidies. ‘There are thousands of subsidies, tax schemes, credits and funds that match different natures and stages of innovations,’ says managing director Jan Rietsma. ‘That makes it difficult to find the right connection when developing innovative plans and projects.’ ‘The collaboration with Vindsubsidies opens the door for our consortium to dedicated subsidy advice for developments in biomaterials and regenerative medicine. Part of the agreement is that the Life Science and Health team of Vindsubsidies will delve into topics within biomaterials and regenerative medicine and will explore relevant subsidies.’

Knowledge sessions

‘In addition Vindsubsidies will inform the consortium twice a year about current relevant subsidy options. The first knowledge session will take place on March 21, prior to the Great Small Talk Show. It goes without saying that it is up to the members of the consortium to decide whether they want to use the services of Vindsubsidies.’

National & European

‘Eurostars, Horizon Europe, ERDF, ZonMW, NWO and MIT; there are many schemes and subsidy options at both national and European level that support innovations in the Life Science & Health sector,’ says Ron Coenen, manager at Vindsubsidies. ‘A number of these schemes are specifically intended for innovations in regenerative medicine.’

Scoring opportunities

‘We continuously screen the available schemes and list them twice a year during the knowledge sessions, so that you can be sure that you will not miss out on any external financing. Where necessary, we will also inform the consortium of new developments in between the sessions. And of course, we are happy to map out scoring opportunities together with the members of the consortium anytime.’

Personal & Online

‘If you want to use a tax benefit for an investment or apply for a subsidy to carry out an R&D project or an internal process or production improvement, we can help you out. During every phase of the grant project, and in any desired way. Personally, but also with various online tools.’ [Frame] The first knowledge session in collaboration with Vindsubsidies will take place on March 21, prior to the Great Small Talk Show.   Register quickly by sending a message to First come, first served.

The first knowledge session in collaboration with Vindsubsidies will take place on March 21, prior to the Great Small Talk Show.

Register quickly by submitting the form below. First come, first served.

[contact-form-7 id=”2562″ title=”Submission prior to the Great Small Talk Show on March 21 (vindsubsidies)”]

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