Eindhoven January 18 – In a significant step towards fostering European collaboration in biomaterials and regenerative medicine, Smart Biomaterials Consortium (SBMC) hosted the kickoff of the European Hub for Advanced Development in Regenerative Medicine and Biomaterials (EHAB). The event, held at the Technical University Eindhoven Campus in Eindhoven, brought together a diverse group of experts, researchers, and industry representatives from across Europe.
The kickoff, led by Ria Hein from Brabant Development Agency (BOM), provided a platform for representatives from eight European regions to present their ecosystem’s strengths, highlighting the diverse and rich landscape of biomaterials and regenerative medicine in Europe.
A tour of the SBMC’s development facility allowed attendees to witness the groundbreaking work being conducted by the consortium. This visit showcased the state-of-the-art research and development efforts that position SBMC at the forefront of the field. Interactive workshops and discussions aimed at laying the groundwork for future collaborations and projects catalyzing change in the field of regenerative medicine and biomaterials.
“We are building a value chain to primarily assist companies in bringing their products to the market”, says Ria Hein. “Since biomaterials is a relatively young technology, the biggest challenge lies in market introduction and scaling up production. Therefore, it’s wonderful that here at SBMC we can demonstrate how we can accelerate market introduction and large-scale production.”
By bringing together key players from across Europe, the event has set the stage for collaboration and innovation. The SBMC’s commitment to this cause is evident in their meticulous planning and execution of the event.
The outcomes of EHAB are expected to ripple through the field, leading to new research initiatives, partnerships, and advancements in healthcare.
EHAB Mission
EHAB’s mission is to identify regional strengths, weaknesses, gaps and needs in a consolidated transregional Advanced Therapies and Biomaterials (AT&B) value chain and to elaborate a joint action plan to strengthen the performance and capacity of the innovation ecosystems of e.g. SME’s innovation stakeholders and their efficient interconnections ant their alignment towards EU-level priorities, jointly tackling challenges at EU, national, regional, and local level together with all the quadruple helix stakeholders.
Participants EHAB
- Brabant Development Agency (BOM), The Netherlands)
- Brightlands Biomedical Ecosystem represented by Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus, The Netherlands
- FlandersBio, Belgium
- BioRegio STERN, Germany
- A4tec-association (A4TEC), Portugal
- BIOCAT, Spain
- Resarch Institutes of Sweden AB (RISE), Sweden
- MedSilesia, Gornslaski Akcelerator Przedsiebiorczosci Rynkowej sp z o.o. (GAPR), Poland
EHAB is endorsed by several regional and European level organisations, including : the Province of North-Brabant, the Province of Limburg, the RegMed XB consortium, the department of Economy, Science and Innovation of the Flemish Government, the Smart Health Pilot of the Vanguard Initiative, the Health Department from the Generalitat de Catalunya, Leitat, ASEBIO, the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, the Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung (Fraunhofer IPA), and the Marshall Office of the Silesia Voivodeship.
For more information about EHAB please contact Ria Hein.