Upyther applies for research on hydrogels for treatment of peritoneal oncology

September 13, 2022

UPyTher, a spin-off company of the Eindhoven University of Technology develops slow-release hydrogel-drug formulations for the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC), a common, yet underrated, type of cancer that forms a major component of treatment failure and cancer-related mortality in patients with colorectal, ovarian, and gastric cancer.

UPyTher developed a technology based on proprietary polymers to generate hydrogel-based slow-release formulations that enable sustained chemotherapy exposure in the peritoneal cavity and radically improve treatment outcome. The goal of the feasibility project is to determine the platform potential of the hydrogel technology to address the various tumor types that cause PC.

UPyTher combines expertise in supramolecular chemistry and biomedical engineering and is founded on technology that is developed in the group of Professor Patricia Dankers at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Her involvement secures UPyTher’s position in the forefront of drug delivery research via contacts with leading scientists, medical experts and industry. Dr. Peter-Paul Fransen has been involved since the early development of UPyTher technology and brings in unique know-how on design, synthesis and modification of the hydrogel and drug compounds. The team is complemented by dr. Geert van Almen who has a background in life sciences and valorization of biomaterials and is committed to development and implementation of UPyTher’s commercialization strategy.

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