Are you working together with other small or medium-sized enterprises on an innovative product? Then the MIT R&D Collaboration Project subsidy might be just right for you!
The MIT R&D program encourages the execution of innovative projects in which SMEs collaborate. The outcome of the innovative project should align with and contribute to addressing societal challenges within the “Missions of the Future.” A project that consists of industrial research and/or experimental development can receive a maximum subsidy of €350,000, with a contribution of up to 35% based on eligible costs.
Are you collaborating with partners in other countries on the development of innovative technology for new products, processes, or services? Then you may be eligible for the Eurostars subsidy. Eurostars helps SMEs carry out market-oriented technological development and reduce technical risks.
Eurostars is one of the most accessible European subsidies for SMEs and has a high success rate. With a subsidy percentage of up to 50% and a maximum subsidy for the Dutch project component of €500,000, it is an interesting subsidy for many entrepreneurs. The innovation program is an initiative of EUREKA and the European Commission, with financial support provided through the national government of each participating country. Dutch companies have been performing very well within this subsidy for years. More than 30% of Dutch applications are approved, and the administrative burden is relatively low.
For more information, contact Axel Breukman from our partner Vindsubsidies.